New School (New York, N.Y.). University Student Senate
The University Student Senate (often referred to as “the USS”) of The New School is an elected representative body composed of students from The New School’s component divisions: the College of the Performing Arts, Eugene Lang College, the New School for Social Research, Parsons School of Design, and the Schools for Public Engagement. The constitution of the University Student Senate was established in 2007, and its officers meet monthly with The New School president and other university leaders. The structure of the Student Senate is composed of five standing committees: communications, finance, advocacy, engagement, and the executive board. According to the organization, its mission is to: “foster a sense of belonging for all students, regardless of social marginalization, through the enrichment of our educational, social, and cultural experiences and through the advocacy of our needs and flourishing with the decision- and policy-making bodies of The New School.”
Languages Used
- English